Insurers providing primary and excess general liability coverage have relied on Mendes to meet the full spectrum of their legal needs since the 1940’s. From policy wordings to claims management to multi-party, multi-million dollar coverage litigation, our lawyers handle a diverse variety of business for Lloyd’s and London market clients, as well as leading underwriters in Bermuda, Germany and the United States.
We advise on policy drafting and interpretation, exposure and claims analysis, claims management, reserve assessments, allocation methodologies, litigation avoidance, alternative dispute resolution and litigation.
Our lawyers have particularly deep experience in excess umbrella comprehensive general liability programs involving Fortune 500 companies, management of national medical malpractice accounts for excess of loss treaty reinsurers, and long-term chemical exposure and other long-term product liability situations.
The firm’s robust defense team has an impressive record in products liability, premises liability, auto liability, environmental, workers’ compensation, pharmaceutical products, consumer products and recreation (sports and leisure) cases. We have handled environmental coverage litigation against several large oil, chemical and pharmaceutical insureds, as well as thousands of asbestos bodily injury and property damage cases filed throughout the U.S.
Case Assessment and Administration
Mendes conducts reviews of third-party claims administrators for excess insurers to help them ascertain whether underlying self-insured retentions are properly managed. We assess claims handling practices and procedures, as well as the selection of outside counsel, draft policy wordings, provide coverage advice, and will select and supervise local defense counsel across the U.S. Mendes leads the field in pioneering “cradle to grave” legal analysis and claim support—from coverage recommendations and the assessment of the adequacy of reserves to the settlement of claims under limited settlement authority granted by our clients.